So you’re a foreigner who dreams about working in Singapore? That is very cool and sounds awesome. But don’t forget, that you have to get your insurance game on point when working abroad. In this article, we’re gonna dig deep into the kind of insurances you need to work in Singapore, such as WICA and FWMI and others.
Worker’s Injury Compensation Act (WICA)
First up, let’s talk about WICA. It’s a kind of insurance that compensates you if you get injured while you’re working. If you’re a foreigner working in Singapore, your boss has to provide this insurance for you. WICA covers anything work-related, from illnesses to injuries. That means, if you get hurt while working, this insurance has got your back. It’ll cover your medical expenses, wages lost, and other related costs.
Foreign Worker Medical Insurance (FWMI)
The second insurance you need is FWMI. It’s a necessary insurance for all foreign workers, whether you’re on a work permit, S pass, or employment pass. It covers all your medical expenses, both inpatient and outpatient treatment, including surgeries and hospitalization.
But here’s the thing, different insurance providers offer different coverage. Some have a basic plan, which only covers the important stuff, while others have a comprehensive plan that covers more medical expenses, even if you have a pre-existing condition. So make sure to educate yourself on FWMI before you move ahead with your travels.
Other insurance policies
So besides WICA and FWMI, you might wanna think about getting other insurance policies, like health insurance, personal accident insurance and maybe even disability insurance. These plans provide extra coverage just in case you can’t work because of accidents, illnesses, or disabilities that may happen over there.
The final stretch
That’s it! You now know what insurances you need to work in Singapore. But wait, there’s more! Make sure you chat with a professional insurance provider to learn more about the policies that’ll work for you. Keep it safe, and enjoy working in Singapore!